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Device ID

The device ID is a unique identifier for your device. For IP devices onboarded to nRF Cloud, this ID must be unique across all other devices in nRF Cloud. Use it as the MQTT client ID if your device is using MQTT.

The recommended device ID format is a UUID. All nRF9160 SiPs have a factory generated UUID. See also Configuration options for device ID for details on configuring the device ID in your application firmware.

Nordic Semiconductor hardware products, such as the nRF9160 DK or Thingy:91, ship with a device ID in the format of nrf-[IMEI], for example, nrf-351358811330130. The IMEI is printed on the product's label. However, you are not restricted to the nrf- format. To change the device ID, your device requires new credentials and properly configured application firmware.

Bluetooth® Low Energy devices have different defaults. In the iPhone gateway app, Bluetooth LE devices show a UUID. The Android gateway app displays Bluetooth LE device IDs as MAC addresses. These IDs do not need to be globally unique because they are not onboarded. Device IDs for Bluetooth LE gateways have a UUID with the soft-gateway prefix sgw-.

Obtaining a UUID for the nRF9160

Obtaining a UUID for the nRF9160 requires modem firmware v1.3.x or later.

The nRF9160 contains a UUID which can be used as the nRF Cloud device ID (MQTT client ID).

Using an attestation token

The UUID is found in the device identity attestation token, which is a base64-encoded CBOR object. To request and parse an attestation token:

  1. Issue the AT command AT%ATTESTTOKEN.
  2. Decode and parse the attestation token with the Python script. The UUID is displayed in the script output on the line starting Dev UUID:. See the script documentation for additional details.

Using the KEYGEN command

You can parse the output of the KEYGEN AT command using the script to display the UUID.

Using JWT

The UUID is also included in JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) generated by the modem. To generate a JWT, use the JWT AT command. Decode the base64 output, where you can find the UUID in the payload's "iss" claim after nRF9160.

Using libraries and application code

To find the UUID in your device's application code, use the Modem attestation token library or the Modem JWT library.