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Claiming device ownership through the nRF Cloud portal

This page explains how to create provisioning groups and claim devices using the nRF Cloud portal. See Claiming device ownership through the APIs if you want to use the APIs instead.


Complete these steps before claiming your device:


  • nRF91x1 device.
  • Modem firmware v2.0.0 or later.

Provisioning groups

The first step to using the Provisioning Service is to create provisioning groups. You can omit this for individual devices, but it provides the foundation for other features in Security Services.


Provisioning groups and tags are separate from device groups and tags in the rest of nRF Cloud.

Click the following tabs for more information on each operation.

To view existing provisioning groups:

  1. Log in to the nRF Cloud portal.
  2. Select Security Services in the left sidebar.

    A panel opens to the right.

  3. Select Provisioning Groups.

    The Provisioning Groups page opens.

To add a new provisioning group:

  1. Click the Add group button.

    A pop-up opens.

  2. Enter the group name and optional description.

  3. Click Add group.

The new provisioning group is added. You can add devices to groups when you claim them.

To edit a provisioning group:

  1. From the Provisioning Groups page, find the desired group.
  2. Click the gear icon at the end of the row for that group.
  3. Select Edit to change the group's name or description.
  4. Click Submit.

To delete a provisioning group:

  1. From the Provisioning Groups page, find the desired group.
  2. Click the gear icon at the end of the row for that group.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the group.

Claiming devices

This section explains how to claim a device, with the option to auto-onboard for a single device.

To claim a device:

  1. Log in to the nRF Cloud portal.
  2. Select Security Services in the left sidebar.

    A panel opens to the right.

  3. Select Claimed Devices.

  4. Click the Claim Device button.

    A pop-up opens.

  5. Select a key type, either Single or Bulk, depending on the number of devices:

    1. Copy and paste the identity attestation token into the Claim token text box.
    2. (Optional) Auto-onboard the device during the claiming process as follows:

      1. Click the toggle to choose whether you want to auto-onboard the device to nRF Cloud.
      2. Specify the security tag (if different than the default).
      3. Choose which certificates you want to inject to the device, depending on your firmware configuration:

        • All: Certificates for REST, MQTT, and CoAP.
        • AWS: Required certificates for REST and MQTT only.
        • CoAP: Required certificate for CoAP only.
        • None: Do not inject any certificates.

        nRF Cloud generates provisioning commands to handle key and certificate generation for onboarding.

    3. (Optional) Choose an existing provisioning group from the drop-down menu, or enter a new group name and click Create to add the device to a new group.

    4. Click Claim Device.

    To claim multiple devices:

    1. Drag and drop a CSV file containing the required information.
    2. (Optional) Specify a provisioning group.
    3. Click Claim Devices.

The device is now claimed, and an entry appears on the Claimed Devices page.

You can now define the device's provisioning configuration or create provisioning rules that apply to it and other devices.

Verifying auto-onboarding

If you chose to auto-onboard a single device during the claiming process, do the following to verify that the device is successfully onboarded:

  1. Select Device Management from the left sidebar.

    A panel opens to the right.

  2. Select Devices.

  3. Verify that the new device appears on the Devices page.

You can still perform other operations using provisioning rules after onboarding the device.