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Verifying device authenticity

This guide explains how to generate attestation tokens for Nordic Semiconductor devices and verify the authenticity of those devices by submitting tokens to the Identity Service.

Tokens are generated separately for each device, but you can submit multiple tokens as a bulk operation.

Once you have generated a token, you can submit it to nRF Cloud to verify that the device is genuine.

The following diagram shows the sequence of steps in the token verification process:

Identity Service process

Prerequisites and requirements

For this guide, you need the following:

  • An nRF Cloud account if you do not already have one.
  • A serial terminal application to connect directly to your device, such as nRF Serial Terminal v1.0.1 or later. nRF Serial Terminal is part of nRF Connect for Desktop v4.0.0 and later.
  • An nRF9161 DK v0.10.0 or later. Contact Sales for more information on compatibility with the nRF9160 DK.
  • Modem firmware v2.0.0 or later (required for AT commands).

Generating attestation tokens

You can generate attestation tokens with the modem using AT commands. This token is then used to verify that the device is a genuine Nordic Semiconductor product. Store the generated tokens in your own trusted database for later verification.

The following methods generate different types of attestation tokens that include varying levels of information. Choose a token type depending on the amount of information you want to pass to nRF Cloud. You can then verify these tokens, and therefore device authenticity, using either the nRF Cloud portal or the APIs.

See the documentation for the AT%ATTESTTOKEN and AT%KEYGEN commands for more information on required parameters.


If you are using the Multi-service sample, you must format AT commands with the at prefix: for example, at AT%ATTESTTOKEN.

  • Generate an identity attestation token:


    The response contains a Base64 URL-encoded device identity attestation message that includes the device type, UUID, and COSE authentication metadata.

  • Generate a client key pair:


    The response contains a Base64 URL-encoded public key and COSE signature, separated by a dot . character. Store the entire token if you want to verify the public key hash in the signature. Store only the second part if you do not want to share the public key with the Identity Service. In this case, the hash of the token is not verified.

  • Generate a certificate signing request (CSR):

    AT%KEYGEN=1024,2,0,"O=Nordic Semiconductor,L=Trondheim,C=no","101010000"

    The response contains a Base64 URL-encoded CSR and COSE signature, separated by a dot . character. Store the entire token if you want to verify the CSR hash in the signature. Store only the second part if you do not want to share the CSR with the Identity Service. In this case, the hash of the token is not verified.

  • Generate a JSON Web Token:

    AT%JWT: 0,3600,"ClientAuth","urn:server"

    The response is a JWT with the specified subject, audience, and expiration.

You can now verify these tokens, and therefore device authenticity, using either the nRF Cloud portal or the APIs.

Verifying attestation tokens in the nRF Cloud portal

To submit tokens for verification:

  1. In the nRF Cloud portal, select Security Services from the left navigation bar.
  2. Select Verify Tokens.
  3. Choose the token type and whether the request is single or bulk.
  4. Upload one or more tokens:

    • For a single token, copy the token into the Token text box.
    • For bulk verification, drag and drop a CSV file containing the stored tokens, or click the Token box to attach the file.

      • When you upload a CSV file for bulk verification, the service parses the file and displays the tokens.
  5. Click Verify Tokens to submit.

The response depends on whether you submitted one or multiple tokens:

  • For a single token, a box appears with the result of the operation.
  • For a bulk operation, a box with the following contents appears:

    • Operation status
    • Operation ID
    • A link to a downloadable JSON file with the results. The results are in the same order as the tokens are listed in the CSV.

Once you have generated a token, verify it using either the nRF Cloud portal or the APIs.

CSV requirements for bulk verification

These requirements apply whether you are uploading a CSV through the nRF Cloud portal or APIs.

The CSV file containing tokens for bulk verification must include each token on a separate row, with entries in a single column:


The maximum number of rows is 1000. Do not use a header, insert empty lines, include multiple columns, or add commas.

The service returns an error message if the CSV file is incorrectly formatted.

Verifying attestation tokens through the APIs

The service provides a REST API to verify the authenticity of individual or multiple devices to verify a collection of tokens at the same time. The REST API requires a simple authentication token (API key) in the Authorization header.

Single token

Use the VerifyAttestationToken endpoint to submit a single token, using the Content-Type: application/json header:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
-d '{ "attestationToken": "2dn3hQFQSWHIc0CMRc6xunwNmdiBeQNQpNWAuar7SSW8jduV9zfUrlDi2RpLvSI7Lpj6UEpyjZUy.0oRDoQEmoQRBIfZYQOOK3tk8JPbQj97vYSUwvg2l4RWnI-HkW870dxWy6pirvWJ5ZfjLtJsP-R5C9MJNtMHkZEZNjI1bmMaMLInZWTE" }'

The response shows the data extracted from the attestation token and a flag indicating whether the authenticity of the device is verified:

  "data": {
    "deviceId": "4961c873-408c-45ce-b1ba-7c0d99d88179",
    "payloadId": 1,
    "deviceType": "nrf9161",
    "firmwareId": "a4d580b9-aafb-4925-bc8d-db95f737d4ae"
  "isValid": true

Multiple tokens

To verify multiple tokens as a bulk operation:

  1. Create a CSV file where each row contains one attestation token.
  2. Upload the CSV file using the VerifyAttestationToken endpoint. Use a Content-Type header of text/csv and indicate the CSV file path in the -d field:

    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: text/csv" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \

A successful request returns an HTTP 200 response and verification results as a JSON array:

      "data": {
        "deviceId": "30672d4b-fb35-4856-a1f4-473ca53a2f0d",
        "payloadId": 1,
        "deviceType": "nrf9161",
        "firmwareId": "250e9777-d8e7-4a6c-a845-3732889067a4"
      "isValid": true

Verifying device JWTs

You can verify individual or multiple JWTs through the Identity Service. Authenticate your requests with your API key in the Authorization header.

Single JWT

Use the VerifyJwt endpoint including the token in the -d data field:

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
-d '{ "jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTM5MTQ3MjcsImV4cCI6MTY1MzkxODMyNywiaXNzIjoibnJmLjBjYjAxZjdiMzA2NTQ2Yjg4NzA5NWNmMmE2Nzk5YTA5In0.-w9coUwZmRhmSbZNUWdCtdITb8ZjFMPFb74cCnK4eMJoPnpv82drs0rQdKFGd3JL57V3uACDykDENHtJumwjSQ" }'

The response shows the data extracted from the JWT and a flag indicating whether the authenticity of the device is verified:

  "data": {
    "payloadId": 0,
    "deviceId": "0cb01f7b-3065-46b8-8709-5cf2a6799a09",
    "firmwareId": "0dab9607-c808-44f1-a335-19d475b135f9"
  "isValid": true

Multiple JWTs

To submit multiple JWTs for verification:

  1. Create a CSV file where each row contains one JWT. The maximum number of rows is 1000. Do not use a header or insert empty lines.
  2. Upload the CSV file using the VerifyJwt endpoint. Use Content-Type of text/csv and include a path to the CSV file in the -d field:

    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: text/csv" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \

A successful request returns an HTTP 200 response, along with the data extracted from the JWT and a flag indicating whether the authenticity of the device is verified.